Group photo of 21-22 CCSRE Graduate Fellows. Photo by Heidi Lopez

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Graduate Fellows Programs

Director of Research's Welcome Message

Headshot photo of Alfredo J. Artiles, Director of Research

As a Graduate Fellow, you will be involved in a nurturing community that offers faculty and student mentoring. Key strengths of the Graduate Fellows community include the diversity of disciplines, backgrounds, and areas of interest, as well as its intergenerational nature. Emerging Scholars receive support for their developing scholarly agendas in their first few years of doctocal education while Dissertation Fellows receive support for their culminating projects. Teaching Fellows bring a commitment to promoting learning through pedagogical excellence. All Graduate Fellows partipate in a seminar that I lead every quarter which provides stimulating contexts for sharpening interdisciplinary and comparative skills, refining research agendas, preparing for careers in the academy and beyond, and getting socialized to their professions. In addition, Graduate Fellows enrich their education through participation in CCSRE research events, such as the Faculty Seminar Series and Chautauquas and are eligible to apply for small research grants to support public scholarship. I urge you to take advantage of all the resources and opportunities that your fellowships and CCSRE offer to enrich your doctoral preparation experiences. 

I look forward to building a support community with you this year and to learning about your backgrounds, research portfolios, and career plans.

Alfredo J. Artiles

CCSRE Director of Research 

Lee L. Jacks Professor of Education, Graduate School of Education  

The Center for Comparative Studies in Race and Ethnicity supports graduate student teaching and research through three fellowship programs, for both incoming and advanced PhD students. These fellows form a vibrant community of emerging scholars of race and ethnicity. All CCSRE graduate student fellows participate in the CCSRE Graduate Fellows' Research Seminar to share research, engage with faculty, and develop comparative and interdisciplinary perspectives on the study of race and ethnicity.

CCSRE Emerging Scholars

This three-year fellowship supports incoming graduate students interested in the study of race, ethnicity, and inequality. Students must be nominated by one of our affiliated faculty members.

Dissertation Fellows

This fellowship supports graduate students who are working to finish dissertations focused on race and ethnicity. Dissertation Fellows are usually in their final year of study at Stanford.

Teaching Fellows

This is awarded to advanced graduate students who seek teaching experience in CSRE and research support as part of an interdisciplinary cohort of race scholars.

Technology & Racial Equity Graduate Fellows

This fellowship fosters collaboration between engineers researching technical systems and social scientists, humanists and others researching the power and politics that shape society.