Imagining Justice | Imperative of Repair: Race, Crime and Restorative Justice

Join us for a conversation on race, the criminal justice system, and strategies for restorative justice.
Fania Davis is a leading national voice on restorative justice, a quickly emerging field which invites a fundamental shift in the way we think about and do justice. Restorative Justice is based on a desired set of principles and practices to mediate conflict, strengthen community and repair harm. She is a long-time social justice activist, Civil Rights trial attorney, restorative justice practitioner, writer, and scholar with a PhD in Indigenous Knowledge.
Danielle Sered founded and directs Common Justice, a nonprofit organization that develops and advances solutions to violence that transform the lives of those harmed and foster racial equity without relying on incarceration. Before leading this work, Danielle served as the deputy director of the Vera Institute of Justice’s Adolescent Reentry Initiative, a program for young men returning from incarceration on Rikers Island. Prior to joining Vera, she worked at the Center for Court Innovation's Harlem Community Justice Center, where she led its programs for court-involved and recently incarcerated youth. She is the author of Until We Reckon: Violence, Mass Incarceration, and a Road to Repair.
Matthew Clair is Assistant Professor of Sociology and (by courtesy) Law at Stanford University. His scholarship broadly examines how cultural meanings and interactions reflect, reproduce, and challenge various dimensions of social inequality. His research to date has focused on inequality in the criminal legal system and the legal profession. He is the author of the book Privilege and Punishment: How Race and Class Matter in Criminal Court (Princeton University Press). A Q&A about his recent research and thinking on racial injustice and the transformative possibilities of the Black Lives Matter movement can be found at Stanford Magazine.