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Vasiliki Fouka, "Discrimination and Muslim Integration: Evidence from Europe," a conversation with Alexander Key

Wed February 21st 2024, 12:00 - 1:30pm PST
Building 360
Center for Comparative Studies in Race and Ethnicity (CCSRE), 450 Jane Stanford Way Building 360, Stanford, CA 94305
CCSRE Conference Room
Event Sponsor
Center for Comparative Studies in Race and Ethnicity

Prior research has identified discrimination as an impediment to the integration of Muslim immigrants in the West. Yet it is not clear whether integration is inhibited directly due to exclusionary actions of majority populations, or also due to increased disengagement on the part of Muslims. Even less is known about whether different sources of discrimination -- society versus state -- have potentially different effects on Muslim integration. We differentiate between two types of group-level targeting that amplify Muslims' difference and increase perceived discrimination -- state policies and societal behavior -- and separately examine their effects focusing on adolescent and young adult Muslims in Europe. While policies of secularism that differentially target Muslims have measurable negative effects on their socioeconomic integration, attitudinal responses to both institutional and societal discrimination are more nuanced and often in the direction of higher displays of assimilation and identification with the majority culture. Though the mechanisms driving these responses differ depending on the type of group-level targeting, our results suggest that discriminatory treatment lowers integration despite and not because of Muslim immigrants' oppositional reactions. 



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