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Spotlight - Research Institute

New Award Honors Exceptional Mentors

The Research Institute of CCSRE is dedicated to fostering vibrant intergenerational and interdisciplinary networks of outstanding scholars who are deeply invested in the study and teaching of race, ethnicity, and inequality across disciplines and domains. Central to our mission is graduate student mentoring, which cultivates a supportive and collaborative community Center-wide and is especially enriching to the experience of our students and fellows. Through mentorship, we provide the essential support and guidance that enhances individual graduate student research and teaching agendas, ensuring that they thrive as emerging scholars and empowering them to succeed in their future professional careers.

We are thrilled to announce the 2024-2025 launch of the Research Institute Mentoring Award. This exciting new initiative aims to promote and reward CCSRE faculty affiliates for their investment in mentoring activities, prioritize research mentorship within the education of graduate students studying race, ethnicity, and inequality, and solidify research mentoring as a core value of our Research Institute.

The Research Institute Mentoring Award honors faculty members who have made exceptional and sustained contributions to the intellectual, creative, scholarly, and professional development of graduate students pursuing doctoral research related to race, ethnicity, and inequality. Successful mentorship efforts are those that lead to tangible growth and measurable success for the students they support.

Award recipients will be celebrated at a special ceremony during the Research Institute Open House in Winter 2025 and will receive a $1,000 stipend and commemorative plaque in recognition of their contributions. We look forward to highlighting the inspiring work of our faculty and the positive impact they make in shaping the future of research and scholarship in these critical areas.

Please join us in this initiative and submit your nomination(s) today! Due November 22, 2024.