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Research Institute Celebrates This Year's Accomplishments

Research Insitute Open House (Photo Credit: Michael Endicott, 2024)

Last Wednesday, May 22nd, Building 360 open its doors to the Stanford community by hosting the first CCSRE Research Institute Open House. This event created a space to showcase the work of CCSRE Emerging Scholars, Dissertation and Teaching Fellows, Race and Tech Fellows, Mellon Arts Fellows, Faculty ResearchNetwork Leads, and Faculty Research Fellows. CCSRE affiliates, joined by colleagues and friends, showed their support through community building, sharing their own research and experiences, and engaging in meaningful conversations with Research Institute presenters. Race and Tech and Graduate Fellow research posters were to displayed around CCSRE's conference room, and they delivered short summaries, displayed videos, and answered questions about their research. Poster titles are included below. 

Graduate Fellows

Alexandros Orphanides, Toward Bronx Methods

Anisa Yudawanti, On Space and Place: Mapping School Navigational Practices of Young People of Color

Kesley Townsend, Work in Progress: Identifying Identity Threat Appeals in political Elite Rhetoric Using Large Language Models 

Neida Basheer, 'We're all Collectively Fearless': Enacting, Subverting, and Resisting Restrictive Policies

Candice Kim, Reimagining the Medical Education "Pipeline": Centering the Counterstories of Multiply Marginalized Trainees of Color

Sophie Allen, Access to Healthcare in Jail

Race and Tech Fellows

Selene Yang, Mapping Feminist Collective Practices of Care in Latin America. Feminist Care as Resistance Against Systems of Oppression 

André Ramiro,  A Human Rights-based Accountability Model for Government Hacking

Cristina Velez Veira, Advancing Platform Research for Latin American Feminist Collectives: Social Media Data Access Through the EU Digital Service ACT (DSA) and Confluence 2023: Building Narrative Power (video)

Kiado Cruz, Digital Empowerment: A community Data Governance Initiative 

Faculty Research Fellows, Professor Jisha Menon (TAPS) and Professor Asad L. Asad (Sociology), attracted many interested participants and bystanders at a book signing for their most recent publications: Brutal Beauty: Aesthetics and Aspiration in Urban India (Northwestern UP, 2021) and Engage and Evade: How Latino Immigrant Families Manage Surveillance in Everyday Life (Princeton UP, 2023), respectively. 

Professor Usha Iyer (Art & Art History) updated us on the progress of her Faculty Research Network project, Black and Brown Intimacies Across Africa, South Asia, and the Caribbean. Delivering a vibrant and engaging presentation, attendants learned about forging cultural connections through Disco music. 

To close the day, Mellon Art Fellow, Rodrigo Reyes Presented on Cinema as Liberation: A Review of My Practice, discussing candidly his journey as a filmmaker and how he integrates geography, memory, history, and community into his films. 

It was rewarding to see the CCSRE and Stanford community come out to celebrate this year's accomplishments. We look forward to continuing to serve as the nexus for thought-work on race, ethnicity and inequality at Stanford and beyond, encouraging the production of cutting-edge interdisciplinary knowledge on race and ethnicity through comparative study. Thank you to all the presenters and participants who attended the Research Institute Open House celebration. We look forward to reinforcing the connections made this year and we are excited to grow our community in the next academic year. 

For more information on this event or the Research Institute's future programming, please contact Research Insitute Coordinator, Kenia Blanco Álvarez at keniab [at] (keniab[at]stanford[dot]edu)