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Annie Atura

Executive Director of CCSRE

Annie Atura is the Executive Director of CCSRE, where she leads the development and implementation of programs across CCSRE's Research Institute and five degree-granting Academic Programs. In addition to teaching core courses in CCSRE, she collaborates with CCSRE staff and partners across the university on the Center's wide-ranging portfolio of events, community partnerships, fellowship opportunities, undergraduate and graduate courses, and research networks.

As a PhD student in Stanford's English department, Dr. Atura won the Lieberman Fellowship, the Geballe Dissertation Fellowship, and the CSRE Graduate Teaching Fellowship. She held the Dean's Postdoctoral Fellowship in 2021-22. Her dissertation was awarded Stanford English Department's Alden Dissertation Prize in 2020. 

Dr. Atura co-edited a collection about the literary politics of Jewish American women writers entitled Matrilineal Dissent: Women Writers and Jewish American Literary History (May 2024). Her solo book project explores feminism as a mechanism for Jewish women's integration into, and determination of, white norms of femininity.


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