Casey Philip Wong is a doctoral candidate in the Race, Inequality, and Language in Education (RILE) program in the Graduate School of Education. He is currently working with Dr. H. Samy Alim and Jeff Chang to study the impact of hip hop and social justice-based pedagogies upon high school students' engagement in school, community, and civic life. He is currently running an after-school program centering hip-hop and martial arts pedagogies and curricula. Casey is a regular commentator on issues of race, inequality, hip hop and education, most recently speaking at the International James Baldwin Conference 2016 (Paris), A Gathering of Leaders 2015 (New Orleans), and the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation’s 2015 Forward Promise Youth Convening (Philadelphia). Casey has been working inside and outside of schools to heal, develop solidarity, cultivate critical thinking, and promote critical media literacy with K-16 youth, from Oakland to NYC, for over 10 years. Casey is a Bboy, beatmaker, and martial artist.
Dissertation: “Your people is what’s wrong with America”: A study of how racial identities and ideologies are spread by youth within a diverse schooling context