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David Shuang Song

David Shuang Song
Graduate School of Education

David Shuang Song is a Ph.D. candidate in the Stanford Graduate School of Education. He was born in Wuhan, China, and earned a master's degree from the University of Maryland, Baltimore County, where he was introduced to research issues of education, capitalism, ideology, and ethnic/racial inequality. His research agenda includes language education, immigration/diaspora, capital and culture, and ethnicity/race in urban space.

Dissertation: Multiracial Mandarin: Equity, Racial Formation, and Heritage Language

His dissertation is a multi-site study focusing on two public high schools that teach Mandarin as a world language in the San Francisco Bay Area: one in an East-Bay working-class conurbation, and another in an affluent South-Bay, Asian-majority ethnoburb. Through analysis of ethnographic data, he discusses how concepts of educational equity are realized and become indeterminate as public educators teach Mandarin to a range of students across racialized position, class, and language background.