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Nina Da Hora

Nina Da Hora

Nina da Hora is a 25 years-old scientist under construction - as she identifies herself - and an anti-racist hacker. Passionate for Science, Nina has a BS in Computer Science from PUC-Rio and researches Fairness and Ethics in AI. She has developed two initiatives called "Computação da Hora" and "Ogunhê". The first is her YouTube channel where she disseminates computer education. Ogunhê is a podcast where she interviews great scientists, mainly building bridges between the African continent and Brazil in the area of hard sciences. Nina is also a teacher because teaching is in her family's blood and roots. Always researching the relations between algorithms and society, Ethics AI, Data Privacy and Disseminating Science Education. Nina is also a developer certificated by Apple Developer Academy and Columnist for MIT Technology Review Brazil. Recently she has joined the Tik Tok Brazil Security Advisory Council, where she collaborates with discussions on themes such content policies, safety strategies, and product launches.

E-mail: ninadhoraa [at] (ninadhoraa[at]gmail[dot]com)

Instagram: @ninadhora