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Patricia Bromley

Patricia Bromley
Graduate School of Education
Ph.D. International & Comparative Education, Stanford University
M.A. Sociology, Stanford University
M.A. International & Comparative Education, Stanford University
M. Sc. International Studies, Rutgers University
Associate Professor of Education


Research Interests

Civic Education | International and Comparative Education | Leadership and Organization

See a full list of GSE Faculty research interests >

Recent Publications

Bromley, P., Overbey, L., Furuta, J., & Kijima, R. (2020). Education reform in the twenty-first century: declining emphases in international organisation reports, 1998-2018. GLOBALISATION SOCIETIES AND EDUCATION.

Bromley, P., Schofer, E., & Longhofer, W. (2020). Contentions over World Culture: The Rise of Legal Restrictions on Foreign Funding to NGOs, 1994-2015. SOCIAL FORCES99(1), 281–304.

Lucy, L., Demszky, D., Bromley, P., & Jurafsky, D. (2020). Content Analysis of Textbooks via Natural Language Processing: Findings on Gender, Race, and Ethnicity in Texas US History Textbooks. AERA OPEN6(3).