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CCSRE Emerging Scholars

21-22 CCSRE Grad Fellows cohort from left to right, Marco Antonio Flores, Leslie Patricia Luqueño, and Alexandros Avila Orphanides

21-22 CCSRE Grad Fellows cohort from left to right, Marco Antonio Flores, Leslie Patricia Luqueño, and Alexandros Avila Orphanides / Photo by Heidi M. López

With the support of the Office of the Vice Provost for Graduate Education (VPGE), the Center for Comparative Studies in Race and Ethnicity (CCSRE) offers, as part of the Graduate Fellows Program,  a three-year Emerging Scholars Award for outstanding doctoral students newly admitted to a department at Stanford. Emerging Scholars conduct research that addresses the meanings, processes, and consequences of race, ethnicity, and inequality.

The emerging scholars award provides fellows with the opportunity to meet on a regular basis with faculty members, graduate students, and other scholars on campus who comprise CCSRE's interdisciplinary community.

Nominations for AY 2025-2026 Emerging Scholars are now open. 

NOMINATION DEADLINE: Friday, February 21, 2025 by 9:00AM.

Read More on the Nomination Process