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Margaret L. Andersen
Faculty Directors

Emeriti Board Member
Rosenberg Professor Emerita of Sociology, University of Delaware
Margaret L. Andersen (Ph.D., M.A. University of Massachusetts, Amherst; B.A. Georgia State University) is the Edward F. and Elizabeth Goodman Rosenberg Professor Emerita at the University of Delaware. She is the author of several books, including her just published book: Race in Society: The Enduring American Dilemma, as well as Thinking about Women, soon to be published in its eleventh edition; the best-selling anthology, Race, Class and Gender (co-edited with Patricia Hill Collins; 9th ed.), Race and Ethnicity in Society: The Changing Landscape (co-edited with Elizabeth Higginbotham; 4th edition), Sociology: The Essentials (co-authored, Howard F. Taylor, 9th ed.), Living Art: The Life of African American Art Collector Paul Jones; and, On Land and On Sea: A Century of Women in the Rosenfeld Collection.
At the University of Delaware she has served in several senior administrative positions, including Vice Provost for Faculty Affairs and Diversity, Executive Director of the President’s Diversity Initiative, Interim Deputy Provost, and Dean of the College of Arts and Sciences, among others. She is a member of the National Advisory Board for Stanford University’s Center for Comparative Studies in Race and Ethnicity and is the Past-Vice President of the American Sociological Association and Past President of the Eastern Sociological Society. She is currently serving as a faculty coach through the National Center for Faculty Development and Diversity.
She has received two teaching awards from the University of Delaware and two prestigious awards from her professional organizations: The Eastern Sociological Society Merit Award for career contributions and the American Sociological Association’s Jessie Bernard Award, an award given for expanding the boundaries of sociology to include women. In 2017, she was granted an honorary doctorate from the University of Delaware in recognition of her scholarship, teaching, and service.
She and her husband, Richard Morris Rosenfeld, live in Elkton, Maryland and Oxford, Maryland.