Juana Alicia, "Debajo Del Agua"
Chicana/o-Latina/o Studies Program
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Faculty Director's Welcome

Welcome to the Program in Chicana/o-Latina/o Studies at Stanford University. As part of the Center for Comparative Studies of Race & Ethnicity, the program is an interdisciplinary unit offering both majors and minors the opportunity to explore the vast complexity of Chicanxs and Latinxs living in America.
Established in 1997, the Chicana/o-Latina/o Studies program affords students an opportunity to explore the culture, society, economy, and politics of this important and growing segment of our national population. Chicana/o-Latina/o Studies focuses on the U.S. population with origins in the countries of Mexico, Latin America, and/or South America. Students who major or minor in Chicana/o-Latina/o Studies have an opportunity to select from courses in the humanities, social sciences, and courses offered by affiliated faculty in the School of Education.
Chicana/o-Latina/o Studies is a major, or minor, for any Stanford student who wants an intellectually rigorous and socially relevant course of study. Our program allows students to take classes across a variety of disciplines, while focusing on the historical and contemporary experiences of Chicanxs and Latinxs in America. The program promotes the development of close professional relationships among faculty, students, and staff that will provide students the intellectual and administrative support to obtain as rewarding an academic experience as possible.
Director of Chicana/o-Latina/o Studies
Leon Sloss, Jr. Professor of Comparative Literature
Professor, by courtesy, of Iberian and Latin American Cultures

Associate Director of Chicana/o-Latina/o Studies
Upcoming Events


- Spotlight - CCSRE Students
Degree Requirements
Major Requirements
The program in Chicana/o-Latina/o Studies offers students opportunities to critically examine borders that constitute the Americas as a political and cultural formation. The major attends to histories and contemporary realities of migration, colonialism, imperialism, and diaspora that link the United States, Mexico, Central America, South America, and the Caribbean.
To receive a Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) degree in Chicana/o-Latina/o Studies, students must complete 60 units.
Required courses:
1 Introductory course
- CSRE100: Intro to Comparative Studies in Race & Ethnicity
1 Major Core Course
- CHILATST100: Introduction to Latinx Studies
2 Comparative Core courses offering a foundation in race studies
- CSRE101A: Indigeneity and Colonialism
- CSRE101B: Institutions and Inequities
- CSRE101C: Resistance and Liberation
1 Methodology course in a discipline of your choosing
1 Community-Engaged Learning course or preapproved project
1 Capstone course
- CSRE 200X - CSRE Senior Seminar
- CSRE majors draw upon their interdisciplinary expertise and training in race studies to design and complete a public-facing research project or research paper.
- or CSRE 201X, 201Y & 201Z - CSRE Honors Seminar
- The Honors Thesis Seminar is a year-long research- and writing-intensive sequence designed to support students as they apply their skills, knowledge, and political commitments to the investigation of a focused research question.
- At least 6 additional courses in Chicana/o-Latina/o Studies (30 units minimum)
- Students may apply 5 units of sustained study of the Spanish language towards their Chicana/o-Latina/o Studies degree
To find a more detailed overview of this major please visit our Bulletin Page.
If you are ready to declare, please visit the How to Declare Page
Minor Requirements
To minor in Chicana/o-Latina/o Studies, students are required to complete 30 units:
CSRE100: Intro to Comparative Studies in Race & Ethnicity
- CHILATST100: Introduction to Latinx Studies
- At least 4 additional Chicana/o-Latina/o Studies courses (20 units minimum)
To find a more detailed overview of this minor please visit our Bulletin Page.
If you are ready to declare, please visit the How to Declare Page
Affiliated Faculty
Emeriti Faculty
Current Courses
Autumn 2024
Autumn Courses
Panuco-Mercado, G. (TA)
Winter 2025
Winter Courses
Spring 2025
Spring Courses
Summer 2025
Summer Courses
No courses offered this quarter.