Míša Stekl

Míša Stekl is a PhD Candidate in the Program of Modern Thought and Literature, with PhD minors in Comparative Studies in Race and Ethnicity and in Feminist, Gender, and Sexuality Studies. Before coming to Stanford, they earned a B.A. in Philosophy and Comparative Literature at Emory University. Their dissertation, "Accursed Races: (Anti)Blackness and Queer/Trans Modernity," explores the fraught relationship between queerness/transness and anti-Black discourse of "race," drawing on studies of sexology, queer/trans theory and history, as well as Black studies. They have also written about how racialization informs (post)modern conceptions of time and identity, or temporality and subjectivity, especially through studies of film/media including Moonlight (2016) and Squid Game (2021). Their work appears or is forthcoming in New Review of Film and Television Studies, Galactica Media, South Atlantic Review, Deleuze and Guattari Studies, Rhizomes, and Iambda nordica. They can be reached at mstekl [at] standford.edu (mstekl[at]standford[dot]edu).